Friday, 19 June 2015

Surprising Day in UM Tadika (TADIKUM) - Yee Lin

Surprising day in tadikum

Here comes the last destination of our volunteering, Tadika in University Malaya (UM). It can be a challenge since I am a person that totally does not have any idea how to deal with those small kids that aged range from 4 years old till 6 years old. I was in the same group with Chiau Yen and Khar Ching and we took care of the 4 years old kids. Coloring and doing origami are the examples of the activities that we planned for those little devils. The origami that we taught them was a bird. After teaching and helping them, we asked the kids to bring them back to show their parents in the hope that their parents would praise them.

The kids nowadays are totally different compared to those during our time. How old are you? Do teacher have a boyfriend? Are teacher married?  These are some of the examples of questions that the kids will ask. This really surprised me because I don’t think I will dare to ask my teacher such question during my kindergarten time.

We did help the teachers to organize things while the kids are resting. While helping out, I found out that the teaching tools nowadays are very cute and attractive. I really envy those children because I still remembered my teachers will only draw out what he or she wants to explain on the blackboard by using a chalk. So all the drawings are black and white colour and we have to picture those drawings base on our imagination.

I don’t want teacher to go!! Teacher, can you stay with us? That’s the moment that I am not willing to go through. The kids are hugging each and every one of us and begging us not to leave. We also brought them some sweets and biscuits as a small gift for them. It was just sweets for us but you can actually feel their happiness when they received it.

I will definitely tell my juniors and advise them to really enjoy this Social Engagement. There is no such thing as wasting time and energy. I really enjoyed myself while doing these activities since it allows me to learn lots of things that we can’t during lectures. Thousand thanks goes to Dr Zalfa Laili for the advice and opinions in guiding us to complete all of these. I also appreciate all the contribution and the role my group members play so that we can contribute back what we get from this society.

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