Memories at Zoo Negara & Tadikum Part 1 (Enrick Ong)
What is social
Engagement? 2 months ago, I had no idea
what we are going to do with this course. As I know this course is compulsory
for all UM students and everyone have to fulfill 30 hours by doing volunteering
job. After I joined the social Engagement activities, I realized that social
Engagement activities is not an activity to join just to fulfill the credit
hours, instead we can gain a lot of knowledge and useful skills that could be
apply into our daily life. 11 of us (
Me, Nabilla, Aishah, Zhi Lun, Zi Huey, Khar Ching , Chiau Yen, Siva, Jiah Yee,
Yee Ling and Catherine was in the second group that is supervise by Dr Zalfa.
We went to Zoo Negara and Tadika University Malaya to do Volunteering job.
The last time I visited Zoo Negara was 6 years
ago. This time, I went there to take part in the volunteering job. I’m really
excited about it, because this is the first time I take part in zoo
volunteering program. The first day, I was the camera man for our group.
Therefore, my job is taking pictures of all the group members while they are
doing their jobs. My job may look easy that is taking photo but in truth it is not
really as easy as you think. In fact, it was really tiring for me as I have to
go to 2 different places to take pictures, since our group was separated into 2
different working places. I have to go to 2 different places back and forth to
take pictures. Besides that, my other
responsibility was to keep the members valuable things like wallets, laptops
and phones. Therefore, I have to put all those stuff in my bag and carried them
all the time. Even though it was tiring, I really had fun when I was taking
pictures of the other members while they are cleaning the animals’ cage and
feeding the animals. I wish I was inside the cage along with my other members
so that I could capture their pictures up close. Unfortunately, the Zookeeper only
allows me to take the pictures from outsides for fear I might disrupt their
work. Here are some of the pictures I took on my 1st day in Zoo
Negara as a cameraman:

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